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ThemaDigiFunkgeräte technisch anfällig?22 Beiträge
AutorJan 8S., Wallenhorst / 473909
Datum30.03.2008 12:04      MSG-Nr: [ 473909 ]7919 x gelesen

Mal ein Auszug:

The Phoenix Fire Department anxiously anticipated its $120 million digital radio system since the early stages of planning, but later learned that the characteristics of digital trunking precluded safe firefighting operations. The Fire Department abandoned the system and returned to its old conventional analog radios.

The final report highly recommends conventional (non-trunked) radio systems that use analog (not digital) modulation for safe and consistent communication. This is a “must read” document for every police and fire executive who is considering a digital trunked radio system.

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 30.03.2008 10:54 Jan 7S., Wallenhorst
 30.03.2008 11:06 Niko7las7 H.7, Osnabrück / Wuppertal
 30.03.2008 13:09 Mich7ael7 B.7, Alzenau-Michelbach
 30.03.2008 14:05 Gerh7ard7 B.7, Pfungstadt
 30.03.2008 11:19 Chri7sti7an 7H., Baden
 30.03.2008 11:43 Jan 7S., Wallenhorst
 30.03.2008 11:50 Juli7an 7H., Stemwede
 30.03.2008 11:53 Chri7sti7an 7F., Wernau
 30.03.2008 16:21 Gerh7ard7 B.7, Pfungstadt
 30.03.2008 11:46 Ulri7ch 7C., Düsseldorf
 30.03.2008 11:44 Ulri7ch 7C., Düsseldorf
 30.03.2008 11:46 Jan 7Ole7 U.7, Hamburg
 30.03.2008 12:02 Jan 7S., Wallenhorst
 30.03.2008 12:04 Jan 7S., Wallenhorst
 30.03.2008 13:21 Ulri7ch 7C., Düsseldorf
 30.03.2008 14:42 Greg7or 7G., Mannheim
 30.03.2008 14:58 Gerh7ard7 B.7, Pfungstadt
 30.03.2008 15:53 Jürg7en 7W., Gifhorn
 30.03.2008 16:07 Jan 7S., Wallenhorst
 30.03.2008 16:48 Jürg7en 7W., Gifhorn
 30.03.2008 17:11 Ulri7ch 7C., Düsseldorf
 30.03.2008 23:27 ., Kierspe


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