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RubrikFahrzeugtechnik zurück
ThemaPatente gibts tststs?!?8 Beiträge
AutorGerr8it 8L., Frankfurt / Hessen699128
Datum18.10.2011 11:58      MSG-Nr: [ 699128 ]5294 x gelesen


Apparatus for firefighting:

An apparatus includes a capsule for transporting a quantity of
water to a vicinity of a fire and for carrying the water to the
fire, where the capsule breaks open on contact with the fire to
release the water. A spring-loaded arm comprising a capsule
receptacle in which capsules are loaded hurls one or more
capsules at a time to the fire. The spring-loaded arm is rotatable
for aiming. The capsule receptacle includes a high powered
light for indicating where water capsules will be hurled.
A height-adjustable platform includes a scissor mechanism
for adjusting a height of the spring-loaded arm.

Das nenn' ich back to the roots *rofl*

Quelle: US Patent US 2011/0247841 A1

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit, aber bei dem Universum bin ich mir noch nicht ganz sicher.

Albert Einstein

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 18.10.2011 11:58 ., Frankfurt
 18.10.2011 12:38 Dr. 7Tho7mas7 W.7, Herzberg am Harz / Wuppertal
 18.10.2011 12:42 ., Frankfurt
 18.10.2011 13:11 Dr. 7Tho7mas7 W.7, Herzberg am Harz / Wuppertal
 18.10.2011 13:41 ., Frankfurt
 18.10.2011 14:00 Knut7 K.7, Nordendorf
 18.10.2011 22:43 Chri7sti7an 7F., Fürth
 19.10.2011 13:12 ., Frankfurt


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