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ThemaDie Playstation PS/3 konnte gerettet werden!11 Beiträge
AutorJürg8en 8M., Weinstadt / Baden-Württemberg782561
Datum04.02.2014 13:17      MSG-Nr: [ 782561 ]5808 x gelesen


ein interessanter Blick über den Teich:

Our appartement is under the one who's burning, we where eating in the kitchen when ppl start screaming: fire ,fire,fire, everybody leave the buling. I oppen the door smoock was all over the stairs,shit was dropping from the top, i called my babylove and told her to take the passport and the PS3 and we left the room .
Thanks for the firefighter that did an excellent job,they are really heroes and we saw it on live. thank you guys you'r saving a lot of lives thank you.
take care .

dazu das interessante Video:

MkG Jürgen Mayer, Weinstadt

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