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1. Freiwillige Feuerwehr
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ThemaPhotovoltaik - Kollision von Wissen30 Beiträge
AutorJan 8Ole8 U.8, Hamburg / Hamburg535549
Datum14.01.2009 21:54      MSG-Nr: [ 535549 ]13929 x gelesen
  • Photovoltaik

  • Moin,

    das Thema Photovoltaik wurde mehrfach behandelt (klick) und es gibt sogar ein FAQ dazu.

    In einem Newsletter ging es um PV und Solar-Paneele:

    We are fortunate and appreciative to have alotta readers. One of them is a San Jose (CA) FF. A FF who teaches classes on FF Safety related to PV (photovoltaic) systems, who has a degree in Solar Technology, and is also a member of the California State Fire Marshals PV Task Force. While we heard from many in the manufacturing community about this issue, we were very glad to hear from Fire Engineer Matt Paiss of the San Jose FD who wanted to offer some "firefighter" clarity to this discussion. It is an area we all need to be aware of, but as is often the case; a few misconceptions can create miscommunication.

    We will turn this over to Matt so he can provide his training and knowledge to address the issues one by one so you can develop your own FD SOP:

    1. Panels are only energized in daylight. Overcast days too, but NEVER at night. Scene lights will NOT energize the panels.

    2. If the panels, or the roof are on fire, you will not get shocked by spraying water on them. Put the fire out.

    3. The voltages of panels are anywhere from 24-48 volts each and generate from 125 to 200 watts in optimal conditions.

    These panels are "strung" together in series to increase the voltages to 120 vdc to 400 vdc. While 600 vdc is possible, it is pushing the UL ratings of the enclosures, etc.. The current of these strings is usually from 5-9 amps. And that is only when there is a load (or put more simply, the inverter is sending the power back into the grid). If the inverter is off, there is no current only voltage, i.e. open circuit.

    4. The inverters that change the power from DC to AC, are powered by AC. If you shut off the main service breakers, the inverter is OFF and there is NO AC power being sent into the structure. There are capacitors in the inverters that can hold a charge for about 5 min, but in the daytime the panels are producing power anyway. When the sun goes down....everything is de-energized.

    There is ALWAYS energized DC power in the conduit from the panels to the inverter IN THE DAYTIME. So, secure all utilities (per SOP's) and stay away from the panels and the conduit in the daytime. That is the danger.

    5. Do not break a panel with your axe or related forcible entry tools. Each panel in the string could be carrying the FULL VOLTAGE of that string (120-400 VDC), not just one panel, so if you put a tool through it, you will very likely be getting the rest of the shift don't do it....there is no need to do it, vent somewhere else, and kill the utilities at the main panel based upon your SOP's.

    6. There are often junction boxes on the roofs (residential systems). If they do have fuses (not all do), and you pull a fuse while under load, you will very likely cause a fire. Not to mention the time it will take to open the box and do this. Bad idea-leave it alone.

    7. In California, we will not let a house burn because it has PV Panels on the roof. I may not be able to put my hole in the best place, but I will put one in where I can when required.

    Meine Frage geht speziell auf den Punkt 1:

    Meines Wissens setzt Mondlicht und eben auch Einsatzstellenbeleuchtung die Paneele unter Spannung (bis zu 1000 V DV, und nicht max. 600 ??). Mein Solar-Taschenrechner funktioniert jedenfalls am Schreibtisch, auch wenn nur die Lampe brennt.

    Gibt es in den USA andere PV-Paneele oder ist (m)ein Wissensstand nicht korrekt?

    Beste Grüße ...und bleibt neugierig!
    Jan Ole - Ein Stück näher dran!

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     14.01.2009 21:54 Jan 7Ole7 U.7, Hamburg
     14.01.2009 22:28 Thor7ben7 G.7, Leese <-> OS
     15.01.2009 19:44 Hans7wer7ner7 K.7, Kirnitzschtal
     15.01.2009 20:00 Pete7r S7., Kressbronn am Bodensee
     15.01.2009 20:02 Hans7wer7ner7 K.7, Kirnitzschtal
     15.01.2009 20:06 Pete7r S7., Kressbronn am Bodensee
     15.01.2009 20:08 Hans7wer7ner7 K.7, Kirnitzschtal
     15.01.2009 20:13 Pete7r S7., Kressbronn am Bodensee
     15.01.2009 20:20 Hans7wer7ner7 K.7, Kirnitzschtal
     15.01.2009 20:24 Thor7ben7 G.7, Leese <-> OS
     15.01.2009 20:58 Hans7wer7ner7 K.7, Kirnitzschtal
     15.01.2009 20:26 Pete7r S7., Kressbronn am Bodensee
     15.01.2009 21:02 Hans7wer7ner7 K.7, Kirnitzschtal
     15.01.2009 21:25 Pete7r S7., Kressbronn am Bodensee
     16.01.2009 19:20 Hans7wer7ner7 K.7, Kirnitzschtal
     16.01.2009 19:24 Hans7wer7ner7 K.7, Kirnitzschtal
     14.01.2009 22:29 Lüde7r P7., Kelkheim
     14.01.2009 22:35 Thor7ben7 G.7, Leese <-> OS
     14.01.2009 22:39 Lüde7r P7., Kelkheim
     14.01.2009 22:48 Thor7ben7 G.7, Leese <-> OS
     14.01.2009 22:42 Mark7us 7W., Schwäbisch Gmünd
     14.01.2009 22:51 Jan 7Ole7 U.7, Hamburg
     15.01.2009 01:09 Mark7us 7W., Schwäbisch Gmünd
     15.01.2009 20:00 Hans7wer7ner7 K.7, Kirnitzschtal
     15.01.2009 23:16 Mark7us 7W., Schwäbisch Gmünd
     16.01.2009 19:42 Hans7wer7ner7 K.7, Kirnitzschtal
     16.01.2009 21:25 Mark7us 7W., Schwäbisch Gmünd
     15.01.2009 20:01 Thom7as 7S., Bensheim-Gronau
     15.01.2009 23:08 Mark7us 7W., Schwäbisch Gmünd
     16.01.2009 09:02 Jan 7Ole7 U.7, Hamburg


    Photovoltaik - Kollision von Wissen - Feuerwehr-Forum / © 1996-2017, - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jürgen Mayer, Weinstadt