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ThemaNeue Einsatzjacke in NY?? war:Feuerwehreinsatz JAcke3 Beträge
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AutorDirk8 J.8, Edmonton / Alberta438273
Datum07.11.2007 17:285204 x gelesen

hatte das schon ein paar mal in TV Berichten bemerkt und frage mich ob da jemand info hat was es mit diesen Jacken (die Hellen) auf sich hat??? Ist das EMS oder DND oder was?


? Murphy?s Law?s for Firefighter

When you have an area under control, don't forget to tell the fire.

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AutorDirk8 J.8, Edmonton / Alberta438280
Datum07.11.2007 17:393864 x gelesen

habe die Loesung gerade selber gefunden. Es handelt sich um sogenannte EMS Rescue Paramedics die spezielles Training in USAR und Hoehenrettung haben. Das ganze wurde vom DHS (Department of Homeland Security) gefoerdert
Habe dazu diesen Artikel gefunden:

A New Kind of Paramedic
52 EMS members become certified rescue medics
No space is too tight, too high or too arduous for a new highly-trained group of paramedics in the EMS Command.
Since January, 52 rescue medics trained in special operations have been saving lives like never before, by treating patients before extrication from confined spaces.

A rescue medic treats a man who fell into a hole on a fuel barge on January 23 at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Rescue medics spend nearly one month training at the Fire Academy on Randall?s Island. They study everything from collapse rescue to high angle procedures.

?In any job, seconds count,? said Chief of Department Salvatore Cassano. ?So the rescue medics? highly-specialized training enables them to provide extraordinary care more quickly to victims and, therefore, save more lives.?

In January, a team of rescue medics were called to the Brooklyn Navy Yard when a ship worker fell into a hole on a fuel barge. The medics made contact with the victim and worked with SOC firefighters to perform a high-angle rescue in the 18-inch wide hole.

?Their skills were critical that day,? said Chief of EMS Command John Peruggia. ?All these members are bringing pre-hospital care to the landscape of an urban battlefield.?

To be certified as a rescue paramedic, EMS members must complete nearly one month of training at the Fire Academy on Randall?s Island. This includes 40 hours studying collapse rescue, 40 hours of confined space rescue, 40 hours in combined trench and high angle procedures, and 24 hours studying ?crush medicine.? They also receive advanced Haz-Mat training.

Upon completion of their training, rescue paramedics are able to intubate a victim in a narrow crawl space, work in harnesses and protective masks, rappel from ropes and operate among debris.

?People think you run in a hole and pull someone out, yet it?s so much more complex than that,? said Rescue Paramedic Lenore O?Neill, a seven-year veteran. ?I always wanted to get involved in rescue operations. It feels good to make a difference.?

The first rescue paramedic class graduated in late 2006 and members began being dispatched earlier this year from EMS Stations 10, 20, 57, 46 and 23.

The training is funded through a grant provided by U.S. Department of Homeland Security?s 2005 Assistance to Firefighter Program.

? Murphy?s Law?s for Firefighter

When you have an area under control, don't forget to tell the fire.

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AutorJan 8S., Wallenhorst / 438297
Datum07.11.2007 18:513870 x gelesen
Das wird die Jungs von der Rescue und den Squads aber freuen, wenn nicht nur die bekloppte ESU darumläuft, sondern jetzt auch noch Rescue Medics....

Grüße, Jan

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